New Feature: Community Guidelines

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In an effort to ensure equal access and opportunity for all our community members, we have updated our community guidelines. Please review them before posting in our forum.

Please leave a comment below with any questions.

And thank you for making our community an amazing resource for likeminded professionals!


  1. Hi, everyone. I have been using MS Office products since ’95. But I haven’t used Excel with Power Query. I am amazed at how far technology has come. I remember having to learn these long formulas and code to do what Power Query does in short work. Exciting! I look forward to learning more.

    1. Hi Vickie!

      Great attitude! 🙂 I apologize for not responding sooner.

      We’re glad to help you in your journey towards becoming an Excel Hero! 👍

      Excel and Excel-related products seem to be advancing almost monthly. You’re in a good place at Excel Campus to keep up with the trends! Let us know of any questions you have along the way.

      Have a great day! 🙂

  2. How to write a proper conditional Running total in excel? The following is my attempt. Column F – has $amount,Column G has condition – Y or N. If G3 = Y then F3 else if G = N then “” else SUMIF(F3:F3) then add subsequent rows. Where its getting stuck if Column F has a 0 – it adds the previous value. Then this formula just stops working at row 11. I’m new to the Index formula. Any suggestions would be helpful. thanks

    1. Hi Melissa,

      Great question! 🙂 It looks like you want to include the previous row number into the formula, which could be done with the INDIRECT function. But, a simpler solution may be to manually enter zero in any row less than Row 3, and then use the formula below beginning at Row 3 to get a running total.


      That formula uses SUMIF instead of SUMIFS since you only have one criteria (Condition = Y). It also uses absolute referencing (G$3) and relative referencing (G3) combined to make a running range. Copying the formula down to row 4 will change the relative ranges from G3 and F3 to G4 and F4, respectively, as =SUMIF(G$3:G4,”Y”,F$3:F4). Let us know if that helps, or if you have additional questions on this.

      Also, this page is the Community Guidelines, which is not the same as the Community forum. Any questions you may have in the future, please post them on the Community forum at That will ensure that your question can get answered as quickly as possible by the Community!

      Have a great day! 🙂

  3. I have Office 365 installed on my computer and I’m having trouble installing Andy Pope’s Addin RibbonX Visual Designer Version 2.50 (may 2020). I get a compatibility (Compile error in hidden module: modUNC) error when trying install the Addin. Does anyone know how to resolve this?


    1. Hey Edil,

      I’m not sure if Andy is still supporting the Ribbon Designer. There have been some recent changes to VBA security on Microsoft 365 that might cause errors with this type of add-in.

      Andy does have contact info on his site where you can contact him with questions. That will probably be your best bet.

      I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂