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Welcome to the Excel Campus Members Area

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How to use the Members Site

The video above walks through how to use this site to access your courses, products, and the Elevate Excel Community Forum.

This is a brand new platform for Excel Campus as of January 2022. As I mention in the video, we are continuing to improve the platform and add features. So we are open to any feedback and ideas you have to improve the experience.

In the video I cover the following topics:

  1. Dashboard Page – The main page where you can Pick up where you left off on courses you are taking, see a list of courses, and view recent activity from the Elevate Excel Community Forum.
  2. Courses Page – Contains a list of all courses you have access to. For members of our Elevate Excel Training Program, the page contains sections for the main categories of Core Training, Deep Learning, and Bonuses.
  3. Lesson Pages – The pages where you will watch the video lessons. Each page contains a video, name of companion file(s), Favorite button, Mark Complete button, and comments section. There are options for Dark Mode and course navigation in the left sidebar that can be toggled on/off for Focus Mode.

    Once all sections, lessons, and quizzes are completed in a course, you will be issued a certificate of completion.
  4. Elevate Community Forum – Where you can post questions, see other member’s posts, and connect with fellow members. You can see your activity by clicking Timeline from the Profile Dropdown menu in the top right corner of the page.
  5. Search Feature – Allows you to search all courses, lessons, forum posts and more across the entire site.
  6. Profile Dropdown Menu – Access your profile, account, favorites, course stats (quiz performance and certificates of completion), connections, contact us, and more.

You can leave a comment below with any questions or suggestions. You will receive an email when a reply is made to any of your comments or forum posts on the site.

Please click the Mark Complete button below to hide this video on your Dashboard page.


  1. don’t know how I missed this video when I first signed up… lol… I already finished all five levels and I was exploring the other courses when I noticed this video. 🤦 😁

    1. Hi Aisyah,

      Thank you for posting! 🙂 I’m just jumping in here for Jon, and happy to assist!

      Some users experience difficulty because of browser issues with the videos related to privacy. Let us know if you continue to have difficulty and we will connect you with our support staff. We want to make sure you are able to watch the videos! 🙂

      Have a great day! 🙂

    1. Welcome to Excel Campus, Varsay! 🙂 We look forward to helping you make connections through the Elevate Excel program! The Elevate Excel Community forum is the best place for Elevate members like you to interact with fellow Excel minds. Feel free to post there! I will put a link to the Community forum below.

      Let us know of any questions you have as you go through the training.

  2. Hi, I am currently using Excel daily at work and I started to use it heavily a year ago when I told my boss about my business computing class I was taking for my MBA. The class was 12 weeks of Excel, which is where I learned about this site, and it got be energized about all that I could accomplish using Excel, Power Query, and Power BI.

  3. Hi Sherry,

    Thank you for posting! 🙂 I apologize for the error at the end of the video.

    I have added this to our list of administrative tasks. We will update you when the video is corrected.

    Let us know if you find any additional errors or if you have any questions. Thanks again, and have a great day! 🙂

    1. Hello Richard,

      Welcome to Excel Campus! 🙂 Great attitude towards learning! You are in the right place for Excel resources, as all of the training is available to you as a member of Elevate Excel.

      Have you checked out Elevate Excel yet? As an Elevate member, you are welcome to click any page, anytime, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of where to start with Elevate. I linked the start page for Elevate below.

      Feel free to reply to this comment if you have any questions. Or, you can post a comment on any lesson page you visit. The best place to post to receive timely, helpful responses from various angles is the Community forum (linked below).

      Again, welcome to your Excel journey here at Excel Campus, Richard! Have a great day! 🙂

  4. Excited to fill in the “holes” in my excel skills. I an mostly self taught and missed things along the way. So excited to introduce this program to my entire team.

    1. Hi Liz,

      Thanks for posting! 🙂 Welcome! Excel Campus definitely provides resources to fill in gaps. It’s a great place for learning.

      Thanks also for sharing this great platform with your team! We even offer team packages that provide discounts for multiple users.

      Again, welcome, and let us know if you have questions along the way.

      Have a great day! 🙂

    1. Hi Adeyemi,
      I’m not sure what would be causing that. There might have been a temporary outage. Unless Vimeo is blocked by your network or country. This is rare, but something to check.

      Let us know if you aren’t able to resolve the issue. Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂

  5. Hi I am new in this world but I want to share my story I got the job interview and skills they are looking for pavit tables so on you tube I watch some video about it and you know I got the job. Now a want to be expert in excel so I join your core course program I am very excited 😊..

  6. I am very interested in using the Excel Campus. However I have watched the welcome video, and cannot seem to locate the Mark Complete button so that I can create profile so I can start my membership. Could you please help.

  7. Incredibly thorough! However, being an “older” person, (OK! “ancient”), sometimes ‘repetition is the mother of learning”. Ergo, I would actually like the option of opening this introductory video at some future date. Is that possible after I have selected the “Mark Complete” button.

  8. Hi Jon,

    I am a member and bought the training modules. I have been watching your videos and have hit a roadblock on a piece of code. I am trying to create an array of sheet names from the selections in a multiselect extended listbox in a userform. Then to be able to export that array of sheets to a new workbook. I have written this code and continually get the subscript is out of range error message. What am I doing wrong?

    Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()

    Dim lCnt As Long
    Dim lExpCnt As Long
    Dim arrList() As String

    lExpCnt = ListBox_Exports.ListCount

    ReDim arrList(1 To lExpCnt)

    With ListBox_Exports

    For lCnt = 0 To .ListCount – 1

    If .Selected(lCnt) = True Then

    arrList(lCnt) = .List(lCnt)

    End If

    Next lCnt

    End With


        1. Hi Jeremy,

          I also wanted to say thanks for letting us know you figured it out.

          The arrays need a little more work to be referenced in the Sheets property.

          Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂

    1. Thanks Xiaofan! The Mark Complete button will disappear after it has been pressed. You will see the Complete button in the top right corner of the page.

      I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂

  9. Greetings! I was recently promoted as demand planner for my organization and took an excel course back in college over ten years ago. I continue to google and YouTube for help on specific topics to what I need but my new role relies on me to analyze big data, create data visualization, and inspire and support key functions of the organization. I realized I needed to take time to learn all of the amazing things excel can do to help boost my career and trust with key stakeholders with Excel Campus! I am very excited!

    1. Hi Julie!

      Congratulations on your promotion, and thank you for trusting Excel Campus.

      We look forward to helping you achieve your goals. Please let us know if you have any questions as you get into the program.

      Have a great day!

  10. Hi,
    I’m currently enrolled on a Data Literacy apprenticeship in the UK. It’s a complete career change after 30 years of nursing, but I’m really loving data analysis! The problem is, I was late to the Excel party. My apprenticeship coach recommended Excel Campus to help me fill in the (many) gaps I have in my knowledge through teaching myself, as and when I needed to know things. I’m really excited to be here, and am looking forward to learning.

    1. Hi Kiersten!

      Thanks for sharing a bit about your career. Just commit to it, and you’ll be a Hero in excel in no time. The Community is here to help you.

      Kindly say thank you for us to your apprenticeship coach for recommending Excel Campus.

      Have a great day!

  11. Hi Long periods of illnes prevented me from attending to my excel leaning,. now that I am back, I am busy wondering where do I start? I had completed 0/1 so I guess thisa means I must start from the very begining. But where is the very begining?

    1. Hi Brian,
      I’m sorry to hear that. You might want to try refreshing the page.

      We use Vimeo to host the videos. You also might want to check with your ISP or network admin if Vimeo is blocked. This is rare, but could be the case if you are using a work computer.

      I hope that helps. Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂

  12. Hello,

    Where can I see how long each lesson runs in this new platform? It was easy to see on the old lesson’s page, but I’m not easily finding it on this platform. Seeing how long each lesson runs is extremely helpful when designating time for completion.

    Thanks again,

    1. Hi Rafieu,
      There is a comment section at the bottom of each lesson page where you can ask questions. You can also post questions in the community forum.

      We do not do one-on-one calls or coaching at this time.

      I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks again and have a nice weekend! 🙂

  13. Could we have something akin to a “Favorite” for particular posts in the Community? We can already Favorite videos in the Courses. We can also automatically view our own activity in the Community (though I think “Timeline” is not an accurate description…I’m out of better ideas though.).

    But how could we follow another particular user (it looked like that option was supposed to be available, but I could not get it to work) or a particular thread or post even if we are not a poster in that thread or never replied to that post ourselves? It would be nice to store our own library of Favorite threads on-site even if we were not actively participating in them.

    Thank you.

    1. Great question and suggestion!

      I agree that Timeline might not be the best description and we’ll consider changing it to something like Historical Activity.

      You can follow a person by clicking on their name to view their profile, then click the Follow button to the right of their picture.

      However, we don’t have the ability to follow specific posts yet. I know this feature is in the pipeline, but not sure when it will be released. In the meantime, you can follow a user to keep track of their post.

      Eventually, we will also expand your history to include comments you have left on lesson pages.

      I hope that helps. Thanks again! 👍

  14. “2. Courses Page – Contains a list of all courses you have access to. For membes…”

    FYI, there is a typo in that last quoted word. Should be “members”. Missing the “r”.

  15. Great site, Jon.
    Went to modify my privacy settings, I hit “Save”, but the changes I made didn’t stick. Not sure which end the issue is, but worth looking at.

    1. Thank you Jerry! I appreciate you brigning this to our attention. I honestly hadn’t seen that privacy settings page yet, and thought it was cool when I saw it. What’s not cool is that it doesn’t work. Ha!

      I was able to recreate your issue and we’ll look into fixing it.

      In the meantime, you can set the privacy settings when editing your profile. You will go to your profile page and click Edit Profile. Under some of the fields you will see a Change link. You can click that to open a list of profile options. Then click the Close button, then click Save Changes. That way should work.

      Here is a screenshot of where you can find the Change link.

      I hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks again and have a nice day! 🙂

    2. Hi Jerry,
      We believe we have fixed the issue. Would you mind testing again on your end? You might need to close the browser tab if you still have it open and try on a new browser tab/window.
      Thanks again! 🙂

      1. Thanks, sir. When I checked it this morning, the changes I made yesterday were actually in place (must be that time zone difference…. :-)) I did test it just now, and whatever changes I make seem to stick.

  16. This new platform is great! So many useful and efficient features. I particularly like the search box where I can find all related topics in one list view. Awesome! I have a feeling this will make my learning much easier. Thank you!

    1. Hi Daagimp,
      I’m sorry to hear that. You might want to try refreshing the page and checking your internet connection. You might also want to watch a video on another lesson page, and let us know if this is happening to you on all videos.

      Thank you!

      1. Attempt number 2 went a little further in the film (30 seconds) film started to scratch/skip, then VEMIO window popped up and wanted me to login. Darn it I don’t have an account with them! And a black window with data was in the top left corner size of a large stamp and have this info on.
        Clip ID: 663056109


        Codec:AVC / OPUS

        Playing:1920×1080@30 3,019 Kbps / 98 Kbps

        Embed Size:947×534 @1.25x

        Separate AV:true

        Dropped Frames:0 / 802 – 0.00%

        Playhead / Buffer:26.611 / 47.994 / 21.382

        Bandwidth:9,983 Kbps

        (9,983 Kbps32,619 Kbps)

        1. You do not need a Vimeo account. It sounds like Vimeo might be blocked for you. This could be due to your country, ISP, or network. If you are using a work computer then you might want to check with your network administrator. Otherwise check with your ISP.

          Please let us know what you find. Thank you!