Our Community
Thanks for joining Elevate Excel! As a member of our community, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines to help keep our platform productive. Our forum is intended as a resource for users to ask specific, Excel-related questions and receive answers from other community members and our moderators.
Please Do:
Our platform is intended as a resource for posting questions, but we also encourage you to browse our existing answers for solutions to your project. Please search our forum before posting to help us avoid multiple answers to similar questions.
In the interest of giving all users equal opportunity to get their questions answered, please limit your participation to 3 new questions per week. This does not apply to replies or comments on existing posts — your participation is unlimited and encouraged!
If you need assistance with a larger project, then we encourage you to submit a case study submission or email our customer support department for consultant referrals.
We encourage collaboration between members! Our community is built on participation, so please don’t hesitate to participate in any discussions or attempt to answer another member’s question before one of our moderators provides their solution.
We want all members to feel welcome, so please be respectful when using our platform. Our community comprises many different professionals from many different backgrounds, and we expect all users to be treated kindly. We do not tolerate harassment, and we ask that you refrain from using inappropriate or offensive language on our platform.
While we encourage constructive feedback on our platform, we ask that you refrain from posting negative comments on our content if they do not present an opportunity for us to improve. If you have any comments or suggestions on the quality of our content, we ask that you submit them here: https://learn.excelcampus.com/suggestion-box/
Please don’t forget to follow up on your open questions across the community and let us know if you found your own solution, and what it was! We love to celebrate your work and providing an update helps ensure other members can use your question as a resource in the future.
Please Do Not:
We do not allow any spam posts in our community.
Our platform is an Excel Campus resource for Elevate Excel subscribers. Please do not solicitate. If you would like to collaborate with us, then feel free to email our support with questions about our affiliate program!
We do allow posts about job opportunities for fellow board members.
Please note: failure to follow these guidelines could result in your post being removed and/or restricted access to our community.
If you have any comments or suggestions on our platform and these guidelines, we kindly ask that you submit them in our suggestion box: https://learn.excelcampus.com/suggestion-box/
We look forward to helping you on your journey to becoming an Excel hero!